Join the Miniature VIP Gnomer
Subscription Program
Benefits when you become a VIP Gnomer
Featured Monthly Set
Featured Set of the Monthly included with your monthly subscription
(15% off regular price with monthly subscription)
FREE SHIPPING on Featured Set of the Month.
15 % OFF
Get 15% off regular-price gnome sets** as long as your subscription as a VIP Gnomer is active.
Code not needed. Discounted prices for members can be accessed through your VIP Gnomer member account.
**Custom design gnomes not included.
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November's Featured Set

November's Featured Set
Miniature VIP Gnomer Subscription
Every month
for VIP Gnomers growing their miniature gnome collection
Valid until canceled
Featured Set of the Month included with monthly program
FREE Shipping on Featured Set of the Month
15% off all future orders of regular priced sets
Cancel anytime